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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
PRERITA harmony of health 16
PRICOL +device of stars 5
PRINCE +face of man 34
PRINCE king of quality 12
PRIZMA a division of ALKEM 3
PROKLEN +cartoon of boy 10
PROVITA +face of boy 29
PST +cartoon of bee hexagon 30
PUDDLES +cartoon of fish 9, 16, 38, 41, 42
PULNEYS coffees of india 30
PUPI +cartoon of dog 41
PUPPYOO +cartoon of dog 7, 11
PURPLE COW +cartoon of cow 43
PYRAMID future of the futur 41
Q QUICK assurance of qualit 16
QALOT the way of walking 25
QUBE institute of technolog 41
QUEEN of india +circles 3
R RRA symbol of quality 9
RAAGINI ensemble of lyrical 24
RADIANT institute of mgmt. 41
RAFFUGHAR crafts of kashmir 24
RAHAT travels of india 39
RAJ a symbol of quality 12
RAJA BHAI +glasses of milk 30
RALLISONS mark of excellenc 25
RAYZING group of technologi 41
RC +face of cat 9
REBEL +statue of liberty 41
REGAL mark of quality 8
REKHA +palm of hand 34
RELIANCE school of business 42
REMO JUNIOR +cartoon of boy 25
REMSONS best of test 12
RFI royal flavours of india 43
RICARDO spirit of nature 18
RICHI RICH +cartoon of man 43
RINGO +cartoon of bear 30
RITKVALI R +cartoon of boy 30
RJ +cartoon of boy 16, 32, 35
RO MO assurance of quality 17
ROAD SETTER +cartoon of man 12
ROBOLAB +cartoon of childre 41
ROLINSON +cartoon of pengui 6
ROMON JR. +cartoon of boy 16, 18, 21, 25, 28
ROS HAN plaster of paris 19
ROSE-MARIE +face of woman 26
ROYAL TOUCH plaster of pari 19
RS. M. a name of quality 14
RUHANI taste of rajasthan 29
S symbol of loyalty 16
S symbol of quality +oval 12
SAAOL science art of living 5
SABAASH the bright side of 42
SAFAR journey of convenienc 16
SAHIRA +arcs & face of woma 25
SAILOR BRAND +face of sailo 30
SAINIK +face of soldier 34
SAMI institute of clinical 5
SAMRIDDHI synonym of purity 29
SANA the balance of quality 9
SANJEEVANI group of company 14
SANSKAR plaster of paris 19
SANSKRUTI celebraton of lif 32
SAS a thing of beauty +bird 16
SATMAHA seal of quality 30
SAVE school of animation 42
SAWAAL +cartoon of man 38, 41
SBC school of broadcasting 16
SCA care of life +triangles 1, 3, 5, 16, 19, 21, 35, 38, 39, 41, 44
SCADA govt. of bihar 16
SCDHRL quality of research 5
SCHULICH school of business 35, 41
SCI-DVINE science of divine 16
SEIKO modern master of sun 9
SENSEI fineart of technolog 7, 9, 11
SFI street foods of india 42
SFI symbol of your safety 12
SGI CHENVI +cartoon of chef 29
SHAH group of companies 37
SHALE +face of woman 3
SHANKAR +face of shiva 34
SHARE RIDE +cartoon of car 42
SHARE TAXI +cartoon of car 42
SHEETAL a synonym of qualit 11
SHER +face of lion 3
SHERU RANG +cartoon of dog 2
SHEVAROYS coffees of india 30
SHREE DEVA symbol of purity 31, 35
SHREEJA symbol of quality 19
SHRI NATH plaster of paris 19
SHUBHAM a house of silk 24
SIGMA choice of more people 11
SILVEROAK +face of man 33
SILWON a signature of purit 14
SIMBA +cartoon of lion 10, 21
SIMHA +cartoon of lion 30
SITA 1001 holidays of india 39, 42
SJ SHANTHI century of trust 14
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